Squaxin Island Geoduck Test-Plot Progress

"Planted" Geoduck Tubes
Geoduck tubes were removed from small test-plots on Squaxin Island in early January.  These tubes were put in prior to planting to help protect the baby geoduck from predation.  Generally tubes are removed after approximately 1 year as the clams have dug deep enough to avoid most predators.  Many individuals from Squaxin Island Natural Resources were present and helped make this night of beachwork  go smoothly.  Thanks for all the help!
John Konovsky Pulling Tubes

John Konovsky Pulling Tubes


Scott Steltzner Pulling Tubes

Scott Steltzner Pulling Tubes

Eric Sparkman Discussing Clam Biology With Daniel Kuntz and Sarah Haque

Eric Sparkman Discussing Clam Biology With Daniel Kuntz and Sarah Haque